Don't let the mind be idle while the body and spirit soar!
Summer is a great time to brush up on the basics or to get a head start in challenging subjects for next fall. Whether your student struggles or excels in school, the benefits of tutoring can go far beyond mastering academic skills. Tutoring at Lee Education Center is a small investment with immeasurable returns!
Lee Education Center is not a franchise, but a cooperative of local, experienced, well-qualified teachers truly making a difference in our students lives. With a staff of 15 experts in their fields, we provide specialized, one-to-one instruction in nearly every academic area. In the past 12 years, we have become the premiere tutoring center of the Twin Cities, and we're right next door!
The following courses are most frequently requested by our clients and are available in the summer as well as during the school year.
Ages: 7- Adult
Going Somewhere? Or if you have studied these languages before, our language classes are individually designed to teach what you want, or need, to learn.
Ages: 13- Adult
What do you need?
Instruction introduces students to the basics of IBM compatible computers. Students will be taught basic computer terminology, hardware, and software work processing programs. Instruction is tailored towards individual needs.
Is Your Child Ready for Kindergarten?
If you're not sure about your child's readiness, this is the perfect course for him or her. Students are given a pre-test of readiness skills to find out which skills are lacking and which are strong. The results are used to develop programs individually suited to your child
Identification of letters, numbers, letter sounds, sight words, shapes, and colors are just a few of the skills that can be taught to give students a head start as they enter kindergarten.
Ages: 10-Adult
Study Smart, Not Hard!
Are you concerned about your childs organizational skills? Does he or she have a thousand excuses as to why school grades are so low? It's difficult to teach responsibility, but we can teach students the strategies necessary to be successful.
Our Study Skills course teaches students strategies in goal-setting, time-management, listening, test-taking, note- taking, outlining, and memorization. Emphasis is placed on those skills which parents and students identify as particularly needy.
POWER READING Ages: 14-Adult
Speed isn't everything.
After finishing this time-saving program, you will have reading skills that will help you for life!
Learn how to read novels, newspapers, and most business and school materials three to four times faster. Read more difficult material two to three times faster!
This course is ideal for anyone who wants a boost in reading comprehension, reading concentration, and retention. |
Ages: K-Adult
These basic-skill courses provide students with the opportunity to catch up or pull ahead of their appropriate grade or age levels. Each student is assessed to determine her or his incoming skill levels, and then is placed in a program at an appropriate level of challenge. (See Testing Information.)
Ages: 8-Adult
Our basic-skills course in reading is developed for students who have difficulties with reading fluency and comprehension. Young students may need to learn consonant sounds and consonant teams. Older pupils may need to begin with one-syllable words with short vowels, long vowels, and variants. Still-older students may need to learn how to break apart words into compounds, consonant + le's, two consonants in the middle, vowel-consonant-vowel patterns, prefixes, suffixes, and Greek and Latin roots.
We use a highly effective combination of SRA Direct Instruction Programs and supplemental phonics instruction that systematically introduces and reinforces the 48 vowel and consonant sounds in the English language. Additional skills in vocabulary and comprehension are taught throughout the course.
Monitoring of progress in fluency is accomplished through timed readings and graphing the number of words and errors read per minute. Comprehension is measured through graded passages in main ideas, conclusions, and inferences. Our basic reading programs are not Orton-Gillingham. They're better!
A pre-test is required for correct placement.

Ages: 8-Adult
These programs are developed for students who have difficulties with writing, or who want to improve their abilities to write clear, complete sentences, paragraphs, and essays.
Depending on students' needs, capitalization, punctuation, grammar, spelling, and paragraphing skills are systematically taught. These skills are then applied in a number of different contexts, ranging from journals and letters to family and friends, to multi-paragraph essays. Word processing and keyboarding skills are also incorporated throughout the programs at the parent and student request.
A pretest is required for correct placement.

Ages: 7-Adult
Depending on individual student needs, these courses involve the following basic skills: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, and percents. Each concept is covered with hands-on manipulatives, diagrams, computations, and word problems.
A pre-test is required for correct placement.
- Pre-Algebra
- Algebra I/II
- Geometry
- Pre-Calculus
- Calculus
Ages: 12-Adult
Whether your young adult wants to preview the classes he or she is scheduled to take this fall, or has had difficulties with math classes in the past, these courses are designed to introduce or review advanced math concepts taught in local secondary and college math classrooms.
Pre-Algebra I/II covers solving for variables, understanding positive and negative integers, and adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions, decimals, and percents. Pre-algebra II reviews computations with fractions, decimals, and percents.
Algebra I begins with a pre-algebra review, then continues with distributive rules for multiplication, writing equations for lines, placing points on number lines, understanding polynomials, and factoring polynomials.
Algebra II begins with an algebra I review on graphing linear equations, then goes on to cover the solving of pairs of equations, the computing of rational equations, the simplifying radical expressions, and the solving of radical equations.
Geometry begins with a review of algebraic skills necessary for solving postulates. Theorems and proofs are introduced and reinforced throughout the study of circles, angles, volume, area, and coordinate planes.
Calculus begins with limits and continuity, followed by differentiation and integration.
Note: In some schools, a student may receive college credit if she or he passes the A.P. calculus test at the end of the session.
Testing, Testing 1, 2, 3, Testing.
Our MN graduation preparation course pinpoints specific weaknesses and gives students ample instruction and reinforcement needed to increase their basic skills and confidence.
Instruction is designed for students who have not passed the basic requirements in math or reading, but have obtained scores of 60% or greater. These courses are also the perfect opportunity for those students concerned about the big test.
Good grades are not enough.
Ages: 15- Adult
Students wanting or needing high scores on college entrance exams would be wise to take this course. Using pre-test results, we provide students a structured program emphasizing practice, strategies, and test-taking skills. We directly teach test-taking and content information in the areas of need. Students will be thoroughly prepared for the ACT after this course.
Ages: 10-Adult
Impress you friends, befuddle your enemies.
Our 16-hour course is aimed at expanding vocabulary. After a pre-test to determine the initial vocabulary level, our program covers a challenging set of Greek and Latin prefixes, suffixes, and roots. It is a great preparation for decoding, spelling, and reading comprehension.
- Math
- Science
- Writing
- Foreign Languages
- Study Skills
In addition to basic and advance skills instruction, we offer school-year tutoring. Our school-year tutoring utilizes a "look ahead " approach to secondary subjects that students typically find difficult. Our tutors review difficult concepts recently covered, then preview upcoming, difficult concepts and assignments and help prepare students for tests. This approach is a wonderful confidence booster for students struggling in difficult classes.
Hours & Scheduling
Most basic skills instruction occurs two to three times per week, for two hours per session, depending on academic needs and tutor availability.
Scholarships are available for those who qualify. All programs are tax deductible.
All instruction is individually scheduled according to client needs and tutor availability.
Most instruction and assessments are one-to-one and are charged at a rate of $49 per hour.
Schedules are developed monthly and there are no long-term contracts. |