Test Preparation
  • MN Grad. Test
  • High School Entrance Exam
  • Community College/Technical School
    GED / GMAT / Praixs Preparation

Give us 15 hours of tutoring and we'll give you a higher score --- Guaranteed!

Why Prepare for the ACT/SAT/ PSAT at Lee Education Center?

  • Students tutored at Lee increase an approximate average of four points per 15 hours of subject-area instruction.
  • Our cost is less and our results are better than other options.
  • Tutoring is content-specific: we focus only on the areas you need.
  • We are highly experienced with students receiving extended time, and with those with special needs
  • Practice exams as homework are free and highly encouraged for the best results
  • Scheduling is flexible. We can usually work around your busy schedule.
  • Our instructors are experienced, friendly, and very knowledgeable.
  • Our environment is casual, but professional.
  • We help with college-admittance criteria, essays, and applications.
  • We are conveniently located minutes from 494, 35E, Hwy 55, and the Crosstown.

Don't wait until right before the "Big Test"!

Sign up today and let us help you get into the college of your choice!

If, after 15 hours of instruction, a student's score does not increase at least 2 points in the subject area of study, we will give 6 free hours of additional instruction.. Offer only applies to initial ACT scores lower that 25.


MCA-II Testing, Testing, Testing...

If your child "stresses out" over tests, or if he or she is having slight difficulties with reading, writing, or math, our high school graduation test preparation gives students both the direct instruction and practice needed to develop their skills and boost their confidence. Our preparation pinpoints specific weaknesses and gives students ample instruction and reinforcement, using both our curriculum, and actual practice with graduation tests. Along with boosting academic skills, we spend time with test-taking skills to ensure that the students we work with are well prepared for “the big test.”

9th grade MCA-II Writing, 10th grade MCA-II Reading, 11th grade MCA-II Math

For more information on the Minnesota Graduation Requirements, visit the MDE Web site at:

Private School Entrance Exams

Private schools are becoming more selective each year, and every fall and early winter we work with an increasing number of seventh and eighth graders preparing for the January and February entrance exams to St. Thomas, Visitation, Cretin, St. Paul Academy, Breck and other private high schools in the Metro Area. Our preparation for students typically includes a pre-test of basic skills in reading, writing and math. From the results we focus on the subject(s) with the most need. It is important that the "basic skills" in each area be fully mastered. It is these skills that will make or break a good score on an entrance exam. From there we work with more advanced skills in each subject area to increase entrance exam scores even more. Along with content area instruction, we teach test taking strategies that include time management and "intelligent" guessing strategies (only to be used as a last resort of course). If your student has even slight academic difficulties, it is important that preparation begin long before the actual test, preferably during the summer when keeping up with school work is not a concern. Please call with any questions.

Community College/ Technical School Entrance Exams

Going back to school? Let us help you save money, and more importantly, time. Many adults have utilized our services to brush up on their math, reading, writing, and foreign languages. Going into the exam "cold" will likely result in a lower test score and subsequent placement into a lower level class, spending months reviewing what together we could have covered in days. A typical program starts with a pre-test to find out what you remember. With those results we begin teaching those skills forgotten, and then assigning enough homework so that those concepts will not be forgotten again any time soon.

Other Test Preparation

As with most of our test preparation, instruction focuses only on the area of need. Either students come to us with specific concerns to be covered and reviewed, or a pretest with that particular exam can be administered to find out what skills need to be focused on. Because of our one-to one instruction and experienced staff, we can usually provide preparation in most basic and advanced test subjects. Please call us if you are interested, and we will design a program together to prepare you for your next big exam.


Discover the unique advantages of one-to-one tutoring!
All Subjects, All Ages.